Friday, October 23, 2015

11 Warning Signs of a Potential Dropout Situation

Parents must stay vigilant. Low test scores and bad report card are obvious indicators.

Here are some other early warning signs that may portend problems at school and a potential dropout situation.

Your child:
  1. keeps forgetting his homework, says he doesn't have any, or doesn't completed.
  2. doesn't know when assignments are due for tests that are coming up.
  3. doesn't want to go to school in the morning.
  4. frequently complains of various aches and pains in the morning.
  5. talks about how he doesn't like school, or doesn't want to talk about school.
  6. makes excuses for not showing you his homework
  7. start losing self-confidence.
  8. acts nervous and depressed
  9. develop behavioral problems.
  10. begins to show a lack of interest in studies.
  11. doesn't like to read, or has trouble reading.

Can you think of any other warning signs?

Leave your comments below.

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